List of articles on brain science

Succeeded in moving the monkey's hand with light stimulation to the cortical motor area

 The National Institute for Physiological Sciences and the research team at Tohoku University have used technology to control nerve cells with light (optogenetics) […]

Slightly regenerating nerve cells in the hippocampus establish memory during REM sleep

 A joint research team at the University of Tsukuba and the University of Tokyo found that a small number of nerve cells (newborn neurons) that regenerate in the adult brain establish memory during REM sleep […].

The University of Tokyo begins research on the world's first brain science English training app

 Professor Kuniyoshi Sakai of the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and Global Vision Technology of an IT company are the world's first brain science English […]

Control excitement and tension to improve performance Elucidate brain mechanisms

 In order for humans to overcome excitement and tension and improve task performance, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex suppresses the amygdala, which is the center of emotions […]

Absolute pitch musician, linguistic processing of Doremi's sound?Niigata University Survey

When a musician with perfect pitch (* 1) hears the sound of "do", the activity of the brain is close to that of language processing.

Elucidation of the brain mechanism that activates in response to food images even unconsciously

 A group led by Associate Professor Yasushi Sato of the Center for Research on the Future of the Mind, Kyoto University, conducted fMRI (magnetic resonance [...]

Recreating the "connection" between cerebral regions with artificial nervous tissue The University of Tokyo

 The cerebrum is divided into different areas according to functions such as motor control, language processing, and visual information processing.Some of the nerve cells between distant regions […]

Which option is more valuable?Elucidating the parts of the brain that are being compared University of Tsukuba

 According to a research group at the University of Tsukuba, the process related to the selection behavior of "which option is more valuable" is performed in the orbitofrontal cortex of the brain […].

Discovered by the University of Tokyo and the California Institute of Technology, where humans are sensitive to geomagnetism

 An international collaborative research team consisting of Professor Kirshbink and Professor Shimojo of the California Institute of Technology and Associate Professor Maki of the University of Tokyo has created an artificial structure that changes direction […].

Developed a method to copy the activity of brain cells to a deep neural network The University of Tokyo

 A research team at the University of Tokyo has copied the activity of nerve cells in the visual cortex to a visual image into a deep neural network to create nerve details […].