List of articles on brain science

Boxer's brain, strengthening motor circuit before the game Gunma University, etc. discovered

 Gunma University, Teikyo University, National Institute for Physiological Sciences, National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Higashi […]

Discovered by Osaka University, a brain mechanism that prioritizes processing of one's face

 A research group led by Associate Professor Tamami Nakano of Osaka University Graduate School has found that the information on his face that has entered the latent consciousness activates the dopamine reward system […].

Discovered a mechanism to restore the repair power of the brain, which declines with age

 Researchers at the National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry (NCNP), Osaka University, University of Tsukuba and others have restored the ability to repair neural circuits in the brain that have deteriorated due to aging […]

Paper notebooks are more effective than electronic devices for improving memory, surveyed by the University of Tokyo, etc.

 A paper notebook is more effective than taking notes with an electronic device such as a smartphone to improve memory, according to the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo […]

Elucidation of the mechanism by which spatial information is distributed from the hippocampus to the downstream brain region Osaka City University

 A group at Osaka City University has created a series of flows in which various spatial information is distributed from the hippocampus to the four downstream brain regions via the hippocampus […].

Part of the mechanism by which emotions and sensations change before and after removal of a brain tumor is revealed

 When a stroke or a traffic accident causes a major change in the structure of the brain, it may cause a change in personality, which is related to the brain region and the function of the mind […].

The University of Tokyo elucidates the information replay of the brain necessary for new learning

A research group led by Hideyoshi Igata, a graduate student at the University of Tokyo (at the time of research), has been working on Kaiba's nerves in order to efficiently learn behavioral strategies for earning rewards […].

Inexperienced rewards, stronger self-control, more active brain activity

It is the field of the Department of Life Information, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University that people with stronger self-control in the face of rewards they have never experienced in the past show more active brain activity […]

Tokyo Institute of Technology elucidates the mechanism in the brain that suppresses water intake

 The research group of Takashi Matsuda, Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Masaharu Noda, Specially Appointed Professor, Bio-Homeostasis Research Unit, Institute of Science and Technology Innovation, Tokyo Institute of Technology is in the brain […]

Significantly reduced to REM sleep Discovery that overturns expectations for cellular energy in the brain

 Akiyo Natsubori, Senior Researcher and Makoto Honda, Deputy Counselor of the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science, have collaborated with Tohoku University and Keio University to create energy in the brains of living mice […]
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