Kinki University has decided to resume the study abroad program of the Global Department of the Faculty of International Studies, which has been postponed due to the worldwide spread of the new coronavirus. Of the second year students who could not study abroad in the first year, about 1 applicants for study abroad will leave for the United States in mid-September.

 According to Kinki University, the Faculty of International Studies is required to participate in study abroad from the second half of the first year, and has sent students to the United States, China, Taiwan, and South Korea every year until the spread of the new corona infection. After the spread of infection in 1, study abroad has been postponed, but the United States has resumed after resuming the dispatch of students for East Asian majors and Korean language courses to South Korea, where the risk level of infectious diseases has been lowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. do.

 The United States has been in the state of "recommendation to stop traveling" at the infectious disease risk level of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but decided to resume it after Kinki University was ready for vaccination in the workplace and the local acceptance system was ready.Since a student visa is not issued in China, students majoring in East Asia and Chinese courses are taking classes online at the destination where they plan to study abroad.

 We are considering dispatching first-year students in the global major to study in the United States after February 1.The faculty and staff of the Faculty of International Studies will visit the site in advance, and a help desk will be set up to accept telephone consultations for students 2022 hours a day to further improve the study abroad environment.

 Of the second year students of the global major who could not study abroad in the first year, those who did not wish to study abroad this time will be allowed to graduate only by studying in Japan as a special case.

reference:[Kinki University] Resuming travel to the United States for a study abroad program at the Faculty of International Studies, about 2 people will study abroad in the United States for the first time in two years since the Corona disaster.

Kindai University

Master true "practical science" at Japan's largest comprehensive university.Flowering various talents

Kinki University has established the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, and the Faculty of Correspondence Education, and practices "practical education" in all faculties.By promoting many industry-academia collaboration projects and combining cross-disciplinary expertise and skills, faculty members and students are united to acquire the knowledge and skills to solve various contemporary issues. 2 […]

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