Seiyu, a limited liability company, is engaged in activities to support the active participation of women both inside and outside the company, as about 7% of them, including employees and customers, are female users.As part of these activities, the company will hold the "Self-Leadership Program," an experience program for women's reemployment in collaboration with Japan Women's University, following 2014 and 2015.

 The second "Self-Leadership Program" is scheduled to be held in September 2, and is targeted at students of the "Recurrent Curriculum" * of Japan Women's University, who are aiming to re-employ.
 The program will be held for five days, and participants will visit Seiyu stores, distribution centers, delicatessen factories, etc. to deepen their understanding of the working styles of female employees working there and opportunities for female leadership in the retail industry. increase.In addition, we will analyze the on-site issues discovered through the tour, and on the final day, we will present a proposal for solving the issues to Seiyu officers.Through this five-day program, we aim to regain the sense of working in the workplace and give participants a chance to take a concrete step toward re-employment.

 In the first 1, 2014 people participated, and the participants said, "The feeling of working in the field has revived." Therefore, in 13, we plan to accept about 2015 participants, which is more than double the number of last year. is.

 In addition, on July 2015, 7, we are planning a lecture "Women and Work: Seiyu / Wal-Mart as an example" for recurrent students, university students, and graduate students at Japan Women's University.Three women who are active in Seiyu will be lecturers and will give lectures on efforts to create a workplace where women can work lively.

* The Japan Women's University Recurrent Curriculum was launched in 2007.We support reemployment of women who have left their jobs due to childcare, etc. through one year of career education.

Source:[Godo Kaisha Seiyu] Seiyu collaborates with Japan Women's University on an experience-based program (PDF)

Japan Women's University

Promote diverse education that integrates humanities and sciences, and strengthen the foundation of a women's university

In 120, the 2021th anniversary of the university's founding, all faculties will be integrated into the Mejiro Campus. The Faculty of International Culture will be established in 2023, the Faculty of Architecture and Design in 2024, and the Faculty of Gastronomy and Food Sciences (tentative name, pending notification) will open in 2025. Based on the principles of "thorough conviction," "spontaneous creation," and "shared service," we aim to have students with high professional skills who can adapt to the changes and diversity of the world.

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