When the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications extracted 10 voting districts nationwide in the October House of Representatives election and examined the turnout of 188-year-olds and 18-year-olds, it was 19% (preliminary figures) and 43.01% of the previous time (2017). Although it exceeded, it turned out to be still at a low level.

 The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications extracted a total of 4 voting districts from each of the 6,466 voting districts nationwide, with four voting districts showing standard turnout in each prefecture, and examined the turnout of 4-year-olds and 188-year-olds.

 According to the report, the turnout of 18-year-olds was 48.80% for men, 53.68% for women, and 51.14% overall, more than half. The 19-year-old is 33.34% male, 36.79% female, and 35.04% overall. The 19-year-old often left his parents to go on to school without transferring his resident card, which was 18 points or more lower than the 16-year-old turnout.

 The turnout for all 18 and 19 years old is 41.08% for men, 45.06% for women, and 43.01% for all.Although it exceeded the previous 41.07% for men and 41.97% for women, the growth of men was significantly lower than that of women, and it remains at a low level.The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has called on teens to vote, but so far no results have been achieved.

 The voter turnout of all voters was 55.93% in the single-seat constituency and 55.92% in the proportional representation, which was 2.25 points higher than the previous time in the single-seat constituency, but was the third lowest after the war.

reference:[Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications] Reiwa October 3, 10rd General Election / Supreme Court Judge National Examination Bulletin Material

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