The Japan Science and Technology Agency has newly adopted eight research projects from six schools, including Kyoto University and Saitama University, in the 2017 International Science and Technology Cooperation Program, which promotes joint research with research institutes in developing countries to solve global problems.After concluding an international agreement between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the government of the partner country, and conducting practical discussions with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and related organizations of the partner country, the research will begin.

 According to the Japan Science and Technology Agency, Professor Ken Kawamoto of Saitama University will study the proper management of construction waste and the recycling of waste in collaboration with the National University of Construction of Vietnam.Associate Professor Hirokazu Yasuoka of Kyoto University is conducting research on innovative forest resource management with the National Institute of Agricultural Development in Cameroon, Africa.

Professor Noriyoshi Tsuchiya of Tohoku University will study geothermal exploration by the thermal emission geothermal exploration method with El Salvador University in Central America.Professor Yoshitsugu Hayashi of Chubu University will formulate a transportation integration strategy aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions with Thammasat University in Thailand.Fumito Maruyama, an associate professor at Kyoto University, will study the early warning system for red tides with La Frontera University in South America and Chile for sustainable fishery resource cultivation.Professor Atsushi Yoshimura of Kyushu University will proceed with research on the rice genome breeding network with the Agricultural Research Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation of Myanmar.Professor Tetsuya Sumi of Kyoto University will study the water resources and irrigation ministry research institute of Egypt and gun water and localized heavy rainfall in consideration of climate change.Professor Kenji Watanabe of Nagoya Institute of Technology aims to strengthen disaster prevention capabilities at Chulalongkorn University in Thailand and industrial clusters.

The Japan Science and Technology Agency examined 105 research themes submitted by domestic universities and research institutes, and newly adopted 8 of them.

reference:[Japan Science and Technology Agency] Determination of research projects newly adopted in 29 in the International Science and Technology Cooperation Program (SATREPS) for Global Issues

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