The Sasakawa Peace Foundation will start an international scholarship project in 2022 to support young people who are interested in solving social issues to study abroad.In addition to supporting tuition, living expenses, travel expenses, etc., we also provide various information on studying abroad to support study abroad.

 According to the Sasakawa Peace Foundation, Japanese young people studying abroad at universities in the United States and the United Kingdom will support tuition and dormitory expenses at actual cost, as well as a fixed amount of living expenses and round-trip travel expenses every month. After starting the first recruitment around the fall of 2022, the second recruitment will be conducted in the winter of 1, aiming to start studying abroad in the summer of 2023.In the future, we plan to send out about 2 international students in each grade.In addition to holding briefing sessions in various places, we plan to conduct pre-training before studying abroad.The application guidelines will be announced in April 2023.

 It is said that young people studying abroad are currently in a difficult situation due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, but with the rapid progress of economic and social globalization, the need for young people to study abroad is increasing.Some people hope that by experiencing a culture different from Japan and deepening exchanges with people all over the world, they will learn what they do not notice when they are in Japan and contribute to solving social issues.

reference:[The Sasakawa Peace Foundation] The Sasakawa Peace Foundation will start an international scholarship project in 2022.

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