The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology will provide financial support for universities that develop human resources who can contribute to solving problems in the medical field, and two areas of mental health and disaster support by medical teams will be added. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has begun recruiting support targets.

 According to the Ministry of Education, the public offering is for national, public and private universities, and it is necessary to establish new educational programs and courses in line with the purpose of the two added themes.The essential training targets are doctors, dentists, pharmacists, and nurses, but it is possible to train physical therapists, occupational therapists, mental health social workers, certified psychologists, nutritionists, etc. according to the needs of each theme. Desired.

 Apply for schools that do not continuously meet the 70% capacity sufficiency rate in all faculties, junior colleges, and colleges of technology, and schools that did not receive ordinary expenses subsidies such as private universities in the previous year or received string music seven. Can not.

 The number of selections is about 4 for mental illness and about 3 for disaster support by the medical team. The subsidy period for both areas is planned to be up to 2 years.The standard amount of subsidy is 5 million yen for mental illness and 2,500 million yen for disaster support by the medical team.The maximum amount is 5,000 million yen for mental illness and 5,000 million yen for disaster support by the medical team.

 The application must arrive on June 6, and the examination will be conducted by the Problem-Solving Advanced Medical Human Resources Development Promotion Committee established by the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Education will decide based on the recommendation results. There will be an interview examination by the committee in mid-July, and the examination results will be notified around the beginning of August.

reference:[Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology] Problem-solving advanced medical personnel training program (April 30)

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