In a joint research with Chuo University and Japan Women's University, a research group led by Yuiko Sakuta, a full-time lecturer at Jissen Women's University, may have perceived the impression that even a baby can be trusted from the face. I found that.

 When a person looks at his face, he automatically perceives various impressions such as "looks good" and "looks strong".The ability to assess whether others are likely to be on your side is very important in living in society, but so far little has been elucidated about its developmental process.If impression perception does not require much social experience, it is believed that even babies under the age of 1 can perceive impressions.

 In this experiment, 6 babies aged 8 to 44 months participated, and CG facial images (created by Professor Alexander Todorf of Princeton University) were used as images.Choose 2 faces based on the combination of "trust" (looks good) and "dominance" (looks strong), which are the two main impressions of social cognition, and select 4 pairs of faces with high confidence and low faces. I made one (faces with high dominance / faces with low dominance).

 In the experiment, the face with high reliability and the face with low confidence were presented side by side, and the gaze time was measured to determine which one the baby was paying attention to.As a result, in the pair of faces with high dominance, we paid more attention to the face with high reliability.Next, when the face was turned upside down under the same conditions, no bias in gaze toward either face was observed.

 It is easy to think that the eyes that see people are nurtured by interpersonal experience, but from this research, it is thought that the impression is actually perceived directly from the physical information of the face.In other words, people do not always judge the inside accurately by appearance.Studies have shown that visual impressions affect choice decisions in interviews such as employment and entrance exams, and in election voting, but such visual decisions can lead to mistakes.

Paper information:[PLOS ONE] Infants prefer a trustworthy person: An early sign of social cognition in infants

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