A research group led by Professor Masahiro Jinzaki of the Department of Radiology, Keio University School of Medicine has been investigating the usefulness of the world's first full-body standing and sitting CT (hereinafter referred to as standing CT) developed through industry-academia collaboration. Ta.Standing CT is highly useful for testing healthy people while standing, and is also considered useful for diagnosing age-related changes. We will use it for diagnosis.

 The research group led the concept, basic design, and development of this standing CT system, which was installed at Keio University Hospital in April 1 as the first clinical unit and is currently undergoing clinical research.As a result, it has been revealed that this method has multiple benefits compared to conventional CT examinations that take images in the supine position, and the results have been published in 2017 scientific English-language papers.

 Until now, CT scans taken in the supine position have been useful for diagnosing organic diseases such as cancer and arteriosclerosis, but upright CT is expected to be useful for diagnosing functional disorders.It is thought that it will play an important role in a super-aging society where health and longevity are emphasized.

 As for specific usefulness, ``The total examination time is shorter than that of conventional CT because the examination can be done while standing, just like an X-ray examination,'' and ``Since no assistance is required, it is a complete non-contact, It can be controlled remotely, avoiding the risk of infection for medical personnel even in patients with infectious diseases.''In addition, it can be used to monitor patients with symptoms such as back pain or abnormal findings when standing, such as hernias or organ prolapse. Examples include diagnosing obvious pathological conditions, ``early diagnosis of musculoskeletal diseases such as knee joints that bear heavy loads,'' and ``determining laxity of pelvic floor muscles, which can cause urinary incontinence.''

 In addition, since the shape of muscles is slightly different between standing and lying positions, the research group has developed an AI that quantifies muscle mass in the trunk (torso), buttocks, thighs, etc. in the standing position, and is The aim is also to clarify which muscles are decreasing.

 The second clinical unit of this standing CT is scheduled to be installed at Fujita Health University Hospital in May 2023, and at the Keio University Preventive Medicine Center, which will open on the 5th floor of Azabudai Hills Mori JP Tower on November 2th. .

Reference: [Keio University] World's first standing and sitting CT capable of full-body imaging introduced at Keio University Preventive Medical Center - Results of industry-academia collaboration - (PDF)

Keio University

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