Kyoto University and search engine developer Faurecia Corporation have discovered that there are universal mathematical laws in the reservation patterns of service industries such as hotels, rental cars, and beauty salons.We have statistically proven that people's reservation patterns are exponential, regardless of industry or market conditions.

 According to Faurecia, since 2018, Faurecia has been working with Professor Takeshi Umeno of Kyoto University Graduate School of Informatics and others to respond to the supply and demand situation with the aim of resolving social issues caused by mismatches in the supply and demand balance, such as inventory losses that occur in various products. We have been conducting joint research on optimal pricing.

 When we classified customer behavior characteristics based on their similarity to exponential functions and plotted the differences in behavior patterns between customers into a curve showing the cumulative time series of reservations, we found that people's reservation patterns are exponential. I found something.This result is considered to demonstrate the possibility of constructing new macro indicators that quantify characteristics that are usually difficult to quantify, such as competitiveness in the business environment and customer characteristics.

 This econophysical approach to service reservation behavior is rare in the world.Faurecia believes that social implementation will become possible in industries where optimal pricing according to supply and demand conditions has not been applied until now, such as public infrastructure such as railways.

Paper information:【Scientific Reports】Average booking curves draw exponential functions

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