The research group of Professor Emeritus Mitsuhiro Yanagita of Kyoto University, Associate Professor of Shoji Kondo Hospital, and Dr. Takayuki Teruya of Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University has been fasting by comprehensive analysis of human blood metabolites using the latest technology "Metaboromics". It was discovered that metabolic activation was induced.

 Conventionally, it is well known that humans have a high ability to adapt to starvation, and more recently, model organisms have been attracting attention for their effects of calorie restriction and longevity extension due to starvation.However, comprehensive metabolic fluctuations and their effects in long-term starvation in humans remain a mystery.The research group has independently acquired the optimal method for human blood metabolomics analysis, and this time, it decided to explore unknown health effects other than energy supplementation in human fasting.

 As a result of examining the metabolic effects of fasting for about 4 days by 3 young people, contrary to the initial expectation, fasting observed an increase of 120 out of 3 or more metabolites, which accounted for more than one-third. rice field.Among them, in addition to the previously known activation of energy supply-related metabolism (carnitine, ketone bodies and branched-chain amino acids), antioxidant increase, mitochondrial activation, signal transduction system activation including purine / pyrimidin, etc. , Various metabolic activations were found.Interestingly, some of the aging markers reported by the group in 1 were reduced by aging.

 This result suggests the possibility of a rejuvenating effect due to hunger, which was unknown until now, and further verification is expected in the future.

Paper information:[Scientific Reports] Diverse metabolic reactions activated during 58-hr fasting are revealed by non-targeted metabolic reactions of human blood

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