The "Company Ranking 20 for New Graduates" was announced, which surveyed companies in their 2019s who would like to encourage new graduates to join the company.We surveyed OpenWork Co., Ltd., which operates the job market platform "OpenWork" for finding employment and changing jobs.

The survey is a net promoter that answers the question "How much do you want to recommend to close friends and family to get a job or change jobs at this company?" When posting a company evaluation report to OpenWork with 0 to 10 points. The score (NPS) was aggregated only for new graduate hires in their 2012s who joined the company after 20, and a ranking was created.Posting is subject to conditions such as being a company that has been enrolled for one year or more, and the target data is NPS1.

 According to the survey, Google GK has the highest score of 10 out of 9.125 NPS.Next is Cosmos Initia Co., Ltd. (NPS * hereafter 9.000), McKinsey & Company Japan Branch (8.429), Suntory Holdings Limited (8.314), Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd. (8.111), Livesense Co., Ltd. (8.100). ..In addition, the Japan Patent Office (7) is in 7.727th place, and the school corporation Ritsumeikan is in 23rd place (7.286).

 In the "Rewarding Research Institute by OpenWork" that released the survey report, many voices from the employee reviews of the companies with the highest scores are introduced, citing the environment and freedom to grow from a young age and the goodness of teamwork.

reference:[Open Work Co., Ltd.] Announced "Company Ranking 2019 for New Graduates". (Research Report Vol.64)

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