
 Regarding the new graduate recruitment schedule of companies, it was found that the start time of "entry sheet result notification" and "interview" in-house fixed decision "was delayed by about one month.As a result of the limited contact opportunities with students due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, it seems that the selection phase in recruitment activities has been postponed.

 In addition, the number of graduates scheduled to be hired in 2021 was "same as the previous year" regardless of whether they were in the humanities / science field or university / graduate school.In addition, "increase" far exceeds "decrease".The so-called “seller market” continues, but it seems that the willingness to hire remains high as in the previous year.

 The hiring method is also affected.A request to refrain from large-scale events has been issued to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection, and joint company information sessions and information sessions for a large number of people have been canceled or postponed. The top “specially focused recruitment method” was “individual interview” at 36.5%.It increased by 32.2pt from the previous year (4.3%).In addition, "WEB seminars" have increased significantly as "methods introduced from this year."It can be seen that companies are taking measures such as "reducing the number of people in one contact" and "making it online" in order to have opportunities to contact students.

reference:[Mynavi Corporation] Announced "Mynavi 2021 graduate company new graduate recruitment schedule survey"


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