Kansai University Elementary School, Middle School, and High School will conduct online distance learning for about 2020 children and students during the school holidays until May 5, 6 due to the effects of the new coronavirus.

 At Kansai University Elementary, Middle and High School, during the closed period in March 2020, online learning started in all grades of middle and high school and part of the elementary school will be extended in April due to the extension of the closed period. From the 3th, it will be expanded to all grades of the elementary school.The learning style is interactive with children / students and teachers, and they work on tasks and exchange opinions.

 The tools used include the online conferencing system Zoom and Google Classroom.Advanced ICT education is being developed in the elementary, middle and high schools, and each elementary and high school student in the third grade and above and the middle and high school students own one iPad or MacBook.The first and second grades of elementary school are lent out from the school, and an environment is prepared for distance learning using online tools in all grades.

 As an example of planned online learning practice, the elementary school will utilize story-telling videos (YouTube limited distribution), and distribute English skit practice (training skills to speak, listen, and write) videos.The middle and high schools are unique, such as presenting teaching materials (including videos) using Google Classroom, submitting assignments, practicing basic English words and phrases using Quizlet, and shooting and submitting video exercises of radio exercises. There are also challenges.

 Kansai University Elementary School is the first Apple-certified school in Japan, "Apple Distinguished School (ADS) 2018-2021".Educational institutions that are developing innovative initiatives that utilize technology have been certified, and more than 800 people from all over the country apply for participation in the research presentations held by the elementary school every year. Education centered on is attracting a lot of attention.In addition, ICT equipment is being used as a tool for deepening thinking in middle and high schools, and we are promoting the development of inquiry and communication skills.

Reference: [Kansai University] Kansai University Elementary, Middle and High Schools conduct online learning during the closed period

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