It was announced that the archery competition "SUMMER SHOOT '2020" will be held in Sugadaira Highlands, Nagano Prefecture from September 9th to 26th, 27.The executive committee is planning to play a central role in the archery maker DYNASTY in Tsubame City, Niigata Prefecture.The purpose is to leave results and achievements as a substitute for the national selection tournament for high school students, inter-school athletic meet, and league games for college students, which were canceled due to the influence of the new coronavirus infection.

 For high school students, the national competition is an important competition that can be used as a sports recommendation for universities and companies and as a track record for AO entrance exams.However, due to the effects of the new coronavirus infection, the 2020 national selection tournament, inter-school athletic meet, etc. have all been canceled in consideration of health and safety.Therefore, volunteers such as DYNASTY decided to hold a tournament that will replace the national tournament, and a tournament that will be a place to discover new human resources as a university or company, under the name of "SUMMER SHOOT '20".We accept applications from all over the country, and any high school or college student can participate.

 Archery is a competition that is difficult to be closed, crowded, and close to each other due to the characteristics of outdoor and individual sports, but in compliance with the event holding guidelines announced by the government on May 3, temperature measuring equipment, rubbing alcohol, etc. We are preparing to hold the event, such as setting up.However, if the flow is approved again and an emergency declaration is issued, it will be postponed and the schedule will be changed.

 Since volunteers have started this tournament, securing funds is also an issue.Normally, in archery competitions, athletes pay a participation fee of about 2000-5000 yen including venue costs and consumables costs, but unlike the existing national competitions, there is no support from local governments or schools, and high school students and College students have to pay for travel expenses, transportation expenses, etc. with their own money.Furthermore, the venue, Sugadairakogen in Nagano Prefecture, has been canceled one after another during the summer and autumn season when sports tourism is activated due to the influence of the new corona.

 Based on these facts, the executive committee is currently calling for crowdfunding and sponsorship / sponsorship from supporting companies in order to make the participation fee for students free and at the same time to contribute to the Sugadaira Highlands.

Reference: [Dynasty Archery] SUMMER SHOOT '20

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