It is said that people efficiently acquire motor skills when they are praised when they perform exercise training, but at that time, if they are praised by multiple robots and CG characters, it is possible to further promote the acquisition of skills, University of Tsukuba, International. It was found in the research of the Institute of Telecommunications Basic Technology and the Japan Science and Technology Agency.

 According to the Japan Science and Technology Agency, the research will be represented by Assistant Professor Takayuki Iio (PRESTO Researcher, Japan Science and Technology Agency) and Masahiro Shiomi, Director of Agent Interaction Design Laboratory, Institute for International Telecommunications Basic Technology. I proceeded.

 The research group conducted an experiment on 96 university students by hitting the keyboard accurately in order for 30 seconds.At this time, divide into three groups: one robot or CG character does not praise, one robot or CG character praises alternately, and two robots or CG characters alternately praise. I measured how quickly I could hit the key to the result by moving the same finger.

 As a result, it was found that the skill acquisition of the praised group was improved compared to the group without praise, and that the praise from two bodies was better than the praise from one body.There was no difference depending on whether the compliment was a robot or a CG character.

 We often hear the phrase "a type that grows when praised," but recent research has shown that praising others promotes the acquisition of motor skills.However, if the compliment is not a person but a robot or CG character, what kind of effect will be produced has not been investigated.

Paper information:[PLOS ONE] Two is Better than One: Social Rewards from Two Agents Enhance Offline Improvements in Motor Skills More than Single Agent

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