Reitaku University will hold "Reitaku University SDGs Forum 2020" on December 12, 23.

 Currently, 193 member states of the United Nations, including Japan, are working toward the achievement of the 17 goals of the SDGs (169 targets) by formulating concrete action plans.These are not the perspectives of developed or developing countries, but the perspectives of the global scale. Instead of leaving the flag to the United Nations and the government alone, in modern society where globalization is progressing, advanced countries including Japan Companies and consumers in countries and developing countries are also required to contribute.

 Reitaku University launched the "Reitaku University SDGs Promotion Project" in October 2019. We held the "Reitaku University SDGs Forum 10" and have been thinking about what we should do to realize the rich and vibrant "no one left behind" society that the SDGs are aiming for from the perspective of the international community and business. In 2019, we will incorporate a student presentation contest and hold it in a more evolved form.

 Based on their experiences, this forum will invite experts who are familiar with SDGs activities and managers who actually incorporate SDGs into their management in Part 1 to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society. Give a lecture.

 In the second part, "SDGs Student Presentation Contest" will be held. Students create a video explaining the proposal and ideas under the theme of "Corona and SDGs: Let's change the world with student ideas / policy / business, education, poverty and inequality, climate change".Finalists who have passed the first screening will face the second screening / final selection.

Reference: [Reitaku University] [Holding Information] Reitaku University SDGs Forum 2020

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