Associate Professor Takao Yasui and Professor Yoshinobu Baba of the Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Specially Appointed Professor Atsushi Natsume of the Institute of Innovation for Future Society, and Professor Tsuyoshi Yanagida and Associate Professor Kazuki Nagashima of the Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo, and others We have developed an all-in-one platform for the establishment of brain tumor diagnostic methods.

 Early detection of cancer is important for increasing the cancer survival rate.However, in the case of brain tumors, there are more than a few patients who are examined only after symptoms such as paralysis of the limbs appear, and brain tumors that have already progressed to a considerable size are found.

 On the other hand, extracellular vesicles (EVs) contain membrane proteins related to cancer and are expected to be used as cancer biomarkers. Since EVs are also present in urine, we developed an all-in-one platform that simultaneously captures EVs from urine and detects membrane proteins of EVs as a new analysis platform for EVs.

 The platform consists of nanowires (nano-scale rods) that efficiently collect EVs in urine placed on the bottom of a well plate. When membrane proteins were detected, it was found that the expression level ratio of two specific membrane proteins (CD10/CD2) differed between the two.

 This result suggests that characteristic EVs released by brain tumor cells may be present in urine, and that EVs in urine can be used as a biomarker for brain tumors (a new index for diagnosing brain tumors). There is expected.

 If the all-in-one platform developed in this research can be used to advance analysis of the expression levels of specific membrane proteins for EVs in the urine of other cancer patients, early detection of various cancers will be possible in the future. It is also expected to become

Paper information:[ACS Nano] All-in-one nanowire assay system for capture and analysis of extracellular vesicles from an ex vivo brain tumor model

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