A fair trade cafe sponsored by Mouri Seminar (Department of International Communication) will open at Meisei University Faculty of Humanities (Hino City, Tokyo) for three days from October 2015th to 10nd, 20. Fair trade products such as coffee, cookies, chocolates, and bags were sold at two cafeterias on campus as part of the experiential learning of "student-centered challenge to store management."

 At the cafe of the same department, an attempt is made to have visitors explain the mechanism of fair trade (* 1), ask them to think a little, and then "determine the price that the customer thinks is appropriate" and purchase it. Implemented.Most customers set the price of a cup of coffee (from Peru, East Timor, etc.) at around 200-300 yen, but some judge it to be 5 yen or 1,000 yen.The unique attempt attracted a lot of attention on campus and was crowded with many people.It was a valuable experience for students, such as creating posters written in English to attract customers and calling on international students and foreign language teachers, and recruiting management staff not only from within the department but also from within the university. I did. * 1: A trading system that aims to improve the livelihoods and independence of producers and workers in developing countries, who are in a weak position, by continuously purchasing raw materials and products from developing countries at reasonable prices.This trend, which started in Europe and the United States, has recently increased its supporters in Japan, and even in supermarkets, products with the "fair trade mark" that has been certified as a legitimate transaction are lined up.

Source: [Meisei University] Fair Trade Cafe was held

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