Six projects, including a human resources development project that supports Fukushima University's efforts to decommission nuclear power plants as a region, have been adopted as new projects in the 6 "International Nuclear Human Resources Development Initiative" by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

 According to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Fukushima University and others have been newly adopted.
・ Tokyo Institute of Technology "Strategic Nuclear Education Model Project by Global Nuclear Human Resources Development Network"
・ Tohoku University "Education on Separation / Analysis in Radioactive Waste Treatment / Disposal"
・ Kinki University "Holding an international nuclear training program that makes effective use of educational reactors in Japan and South Korea"
・ Japan Radioisotope Association "Training for nuclear and radiation education for nurses"
・ Mitsubishi Heavy Industries "Development of nuclear human resources based on PWR (next generation pressurized water reactor) design technology"
-A total of 6 businesses.There were 10 applications from universities, research institutes, and private companies nationwide, and the screening and evaluation committee of outside academic experts narrowed down to 6 projects.

 The International Nuclear Human Resources Development Initiative is being promoted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to support projects that efficiently and strategically develop nuclear-related human resources. Is disbursed from the national treasury.

Fukushima University

Universities that face 21st century challenges with the community

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Tohoku University

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Tokyo Institute of Technology

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