Medical article list

Discovered functional differentiation of flagella in Volvox zombie experiment

 A research group at Tokyo Institute of Technology found that Volvox, a multicellular green alga, changes the properties of flagella from the anterior to posterior ends of a spherical body […].

Nursing exercises in English with the aim of developing nurses who can handle foreign patients Yokohama City University

 With the increase in foreign tourists and the holding of the Olympic Games, there is a need to train nurses who can handle foreign patients even in the medical field. […]

Untreated risk for single men is 2.5 times higher, Shiga University of Medical Science investigates hypercholesterolemia

 The research team led by Katsuyuki Miura, director of the Center for Epidemiologic Research in Asia, Shiga University of Medical Science, is that single men have high cholesterol […].

Development of "Caffles" blood pressure measurement technology that does not require an arm band (cuff) Nagoya University

 A research team at Nagoya University has succeeded in developing a blood pressure measurement technology that does not require an arm band (cuff).

Developed high-strength gel material from egg white, 150 times stronger than boiled egg Tokyo Institute of Technology

A research group led by Assistant Professor Tatsuya Nojima of Tokyo Institute of Technology made a high-strength gel material "egg white protein condensate gel" from egg white protein of chicken eggs […]

Caffeine and its metabolites are diagnostic markers for Parkinson's disease Juntendo University

 A research group at Juntendo University found that caffeine and caffeine metabolites in the serum of Parkinson's disease patients are bio-diagnosed for Parkinson's disease […].

Elucidation of the relationship between genetic factors and clinical features of glaucoma Tohoku University

 The group of Professor Toru Nakazawa, Associate Professor Koji Nishiguchi, and Dr. Yukihiro Shiga in the field of ophthalmology, Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku University, is a group of glaucoma patients […]

Republic of Madagascar Awards National Medal to Associate Professor Yasuyoshi Tosa of Showa University

 Associate Professor Yasuyoshi Tosa of the Department of Plastic Surgery, Showa University School of Medicine received the Chevalier Medal of the Republic of Madagascar.

Elucidating the characteristics of cat flu that was prevalent in New York, the possibility of human infection at the University of Tokyo

 A research group led by Professor Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the University of Tokyo is the causative virus of a large-scale influenza pandemic in New York City, USA […]

Discover new genetic regions related to asthma Tokyo Medical and Dental University, etc.

 A joint research team including RIKEN and Tokyo Medical and Dental University conducted a large-scale analysis to identify new asthma-related genes, and to investigate the effects of asthma and autoimmunity […]
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