List of articles on research results

The origin of medaka is the Indian subcontinent, the international collaborative research team elucidated

 An international collaborative research team consisting of 13 domestic research institutes such as Ryukyu University, Tohoku University, and Kyoto University and 6 research institutes from 7 overseas countries such as India and Vietnam […]

Chiba University's rating experiment that the strength to feel the taste changes depending on the color of the drink container

 Kazuya Okada (2019 graduate) and Professor Makoto Ichikawa of Chiba University said that the color of the container has the effect of emphasizing or weakening the specific taste of the beverage […].

Will be a new drug discovery resource or discover new species of actinomycetes from Mongolian plants

 A research group led by Professor Yojiro Anzai of the Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Toho University has developed a new species of the genus Actinocatenispora, a rare actinomycete. […]

Developed Japan's first "disposable bathing suit" to support improvement of QOL after breast cancer surgery Kio University

 The research group of Professor Hiroko Murata, Assistant Professor Tomomi Komatsu, and students of the Murata Seminar, Department of Human Environmental Design, Faculty of Health Sciences, Kio University, is a postoperative woman with breast cancer […]

Discovered a new constituent protein of spider silk that dramatically improves the physical characteristics of "artificial spider silk"

 Biomaterials derived from living organisms that contribute to a sustainable society have been expected in recent years.Above all, the strength is higher than that of steel and the elongation is comparable to nylon […]

The world's first scheduled drone flight to remote islands in Kagawa Prefecture

 Regular drone flights that connect Awashima in Mitoyo City, Kagawa Prefecture, and Suda Port in Mitoyo City, which float in the Seto Inland Sea, will begin operation.Delivering daily necessities and medicines to remote islands […]

Analysis by Kanazawa University, etc., where mothers read aloud to concentrate children and increase brain network strength

 A joint research group of Kanazawa University, University of Fukui, and Chiba Institute of Technology has found that the brain reaction of a child reading a picture book depends on whether the reader is a mother or another person […].

Osaka University elucidates technology for digging holes in hard ground by thick beetle larvae

 A research group led by Haruhiko Adachi, a graduate student (doctoral course) at Osaka University, found out how thick and thick beetle larvae lay on hard ground […].

Konjac flour porridge boiled to reduce triglyceride, discovered by Gunma University

 The research group of Assistant Professor Akihiro Akita, Associate Professor Takaho Kimura, and Professor Masami Murakami of the Center for Food and Health Science Education and Research, Graduate School of Medicine, Gunma University is this […]

Forest happiness measurement to prevent residents from leaving the mountains, such as Kobe University and the Institute of Earth Sciences

 Due to the prolonged slump in the forestry industry, Japanese people are becoming more and more distant from the mountains, but Kobe University, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, University of Shiga Prefecture, Kyoto University, Waseda […]