Due to the prolonged slump in forestry, Japanese people are becoming more and more serious about leaving the mountains, but research groups such as Kobe University, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, University of Shiga Prefecture, Kyoto University, and Waseda University have clues to prevent them from leaving the mountains. By measuring the "subjective happiness of forests" (hereinafter referred to as "forest happiness"), it was found that observation of animals and plants and privately owned forest management enhance happiness.

 According to Kobe University and others, the research group analyzed a questionnaire survey of 1,457 residents in the upper reaches of the Yasu River in Shiga Prefecture, and found that forest activity has a strong relationship with forest well-being.

 Observations of flora and fauna tended to increase emotions that were positive for forest well-being and decreased emotions that were negative.
On the other hand, privately owned forest management and forest management in which volunteers participate increase satisfaction, satisfaction, fulfillment, and achievement in the relationship with mountains and forests, but local mountain management has low positive feelings. Was.It seems that the local mountains are shared by the area and they feel a sense of duty in the management work.Forest ownership also tended to increase negative emotions.As the asset value of forests declines year by year, it seems to be related to the increasing burden of forest management.

 The research group believes that by launching measures to improve forest happiness, the relationship between local residents and forests will be deepened, and it will be a hint to stop the residents from leaving the mountains.In order to achieve this, we are proposing to apply the idea of ​​forest happiness to the project that Shiga Prefecture is developing to deepen the relationship with the forest.

Paper information:[Journal of the Japanese Forest Society] An empirical study of factors that affect the subjective well-being of forests-for the upper reaches of the Yasu River in Shiga Prefecture-

Kyoto University

Foster a free academic style based on the spirit of "self-respect for self-weight" and open up a world of creative learning.

With the motto of self-study, we will continue to maintain a free academic style that is not bound by common sense, and develop human resources who have both creativity and practical ability.We provide an inclusive learning space that allows for diverse and hierarchical choices so that students themselves can choose a solid future through valuable trial and error. […]

Kobe University

To an outstanding research university that shines with advanced research and fusion research

Kobe University, which is located in a port city open to the world, has 4 faculties and 10 faculties under the 15 university arts series of "humanities / human sciences", "social sciences", "natural sciences", and "life / medical sciences". It is a comprehensive university with a graduate school, one research institute and many centers. Based on the philosophy of "harmony between science and reality," we have strengths in both the humanities and science fields […]

Shiga Prefectural University

Foster global human resources who will create the future with practical learning and a wide range of sensibilities

The University of Shiga Prefecture is a comprehensive university with 4 departments in 13 faculties: Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Humanities and Sciences, and Faculty of Human Nursing, where you can study from humanities, social sciences to natural sciences.Learning philosophies […], such as learning the culture and basics that cultivate a broad perspective, specialized learning consisting of various fields, and learning in the region and the world that face challenges.

Waseda University

Reform with the aim of "WASEDA shining in the world" with research, education, and contribution as the three pillars

Waseda University has created an unparalleled environment in which all students can hone their ability to take on unanswered issues based on the three founding principles of "independence of academics, utilization of academics, and creation of model people."Aiming to be a world-class university with unwavering international competitiveness, "WASEDA that shines in the world," "Waseda for research" and "[…] for education.

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