List of articles on research results

Tokyo University of Pharmacy Holds Technical Workshop on New Corona Vaccine Preparation for Active Pharmacists

 At Tokyo University of Pharmacy, at the request of the Hachioji Pharmacy Association, Professor Yusuke Hori, Professor Hidemasa Nakanami, Associate Professor Hideya Kokubun, Associate Professor Yuko Tohari, Shigeru Akiyama […]

Expected improvement through corona stress during childhood adolescence and regular physical activity

 Since child adolescent stress affects subsequent development and can lead to mental illness, recovery of psychological state is emphasized […].

Keio University proposes "social PCR test", aiming to balance infection control and economic activities

 A research team led by Professor Hiroshi Nishihara of Keio University has proposed the concept of social PCR testing to determine the infectivity of new coronavirus pneumonia to others […].

Stochastic resonance phenomenon improves hand clumsiness in children with developmental coordination disorder, verified by Kio University, etc.

 Associate Professor Satoshi Shinsako of Kio University, in collaboration with Mukogawa Women's University, Meiji University, and Keio University, wears a compact stochastic resonance device on their wrists […]

Atmospheric radon concentration decreased before the northern Osaka earthquake, analyzed by Tohoku University, etc.

 Professor Hiroyuki Nagahama, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, said that the radon concentration in the atmosphere had decreased before the 2018 Northern Osaka Earthquake. […]

Searching for the possibility of the deep sea, installing a cement hardened body on the deep sea bottom for the first time in the world and measuring basic data

 A joint research group of Ube Kosan, Port and Airport Research Institute, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology and Tokyo Kaiyo University will occur inside the hardened body […]

XNUMX characteristics of Japan as seen from the "World Values ​​Survey" Announcement of Doshisha University, etc.

 The Ikeda Laboratory in the field of media and social psychology at Doshisha University and Dentsu Communication Institute, an in-house organization of the Dentsu Group, have a total of more than 100 […].

Nihon University Division and Nippon Travel Agency conclude a comprehensive cooperation agreement

 Nippon Travel Agency Co., Ltd. and Nippon Travel Agency Co., Ltd. signed a comprehensive cooperation agreement on March 2021, 3.Through this agreement, a school corporation […]

The mystery of falling forkballs, Tokyo Institute of Technology, etc. unraveled at supercomputer

 The joint research team of Tokyo Institute of Technology, Kyushu University, and Keio University, with Professor Takayuki Aoki of Tokyo Institute of Technology as the principal investigator, uses a spacon and uses a spacon.

Tokyo Denki University to provide DX-based services for local governments through industry-academia collaboration

 Tokyo Denki University, Expolis GK, and IBM Japan, Ltd. have jointly conducted demonstration experiments * and distributed data within the region […]