Let's continue the dialogue between university and high school ~ Our school is now ~

Morikami:Then, based on the above, please talk one by one, including your daily awareness of problems and the efforts of individual schools.Also, please tell us about your involvement with Kyoto University and any requests for the university as a whole.

Akira Takeuchi (Hibiya High School):At our school, we want to raise students with creative thinking ability who produce 10 to XNUMX.For that purpose, I want to study various subjects and lay the foundation for education. SSH has created a system for conducting inquiry activities from the first year, selecting sharp students from them, and accrediting the results in the second and third years.In addition, we received the designation of the Tokyo Metropolitan High School "Tokyo Global XNUMX", which provides leading international understanding education, from the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education, and conducted "Global Leader Development Overseas Dispatch Training" Boston / New York Training "".At that time, I went to the Aspen Institute and gave a presentation to experts about the solution to the food problem.

It is difficult to have various experiences in addition to daily classes and club activities, but students who are trying to tackle them have a good attitude of learning.Regarding English lessons, I changed the one that focuses on grammar translation in Japanese to one that enhances four skills, and now students are saying that it is fun.The deviation value of the mock test has dropped by about XNUMX points, but I do not intend to restore it.In the special entrance examination, one person went on to the Faculty of Letters. A student who has been inquiring for two years.In the learning coordinator business, I have a postdoctoral fellow come. One year-old girl participates in ELCAS.

Morikami:How are the girls?

Takeuchi:Of the 12 participants in the global leader training overseas dispatch training, XNUMX are girls.

Principal Akira Takeuchi (Hibiya High School)

Principal Akira Takeuchi (Hibiya High School)

Yuji Kishida (Kunitachi High School):I don't do anything special as a regular class.At the school festival, which is said to be the best in Japan, all third graders perform class plays.I have come to study from Toyota when the inheritance from my seniors is functioning systematically.Club activities are also active, such as participating in Koshien for the first time in Tokyo in 55.About 25% of the incoming students are for cultural festivals and XNUMX% are for club activities.Of course, I want you to avoid advancing the entrance exam. On August XNUMXst and XNUMXnd, XNUMX people visited the Kyoto University tour and visited both Katsura and Yoshida campuses.The students were very inspired by talking to President Yamagiwa, who is also an alumnus of our school, for an hour.

Principal Yuji Kishida (Kunitachi High School)

Principal Yuji Kishida (Kunitachi High School)

Yamagiwa:There were many positive questions, and the image of juniors changed.

Hiroshi Ohno (Toyama High School): Our school does not organize classes according to literacy because it emphasizes comprehensive strength.As a whole, there are many science courses, but especially in the SSH class, which has two in each grade, the subject research starts from the first year and is summarized in a dissertation.Today I am returning from Kumamoto University School of Medicine, but from this year I am conducting career education for students who want to be a medical school called "Team Medical" in collaboration with metropolitan hospitals and universities.As you work on hands-on training, you will find out whether it is suitable or not.I would like to make it a feature to train doctors for the purpose of contributing to society, not because they have excellent academic performance.

There are more than 10 students who have Kyoto University as their first choice every year, and I would like to continue to produce results. At ELCAS, thanks to the guidance of Kyoto University teachers, we have been selected as the representative of Kyoto University for the second consecutive year at the GSC National Convention (see page 2), and especially in 6, female students represented the winners of the Excellence Award. I was able to announce it. There are also female students who are aspiring to the Faculty of Agriculture who are studying polyphenols with SSH.

Principal Hiroshi Ohno (Toyama High School)

Principal Hiroshi Ohno (Toyama High School)


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Kyoto University

Foster a free academic style based on the spirit of "self-respect for self-weight" and open up a world of creative learning.

With the motto of self-study, we will continue to maintain a free academic style that is not bound by common sense, and develop human resources who have both creativity and practical ability.We provide an inclusive learning space that allows for diverse and hierarchical choices so that students themselves can choose a solid future through valuable trial and error. […]

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