Ingenuity of "first year education" to make students habitual learning

 The university was opened in 1967 as the only university in Japan where technical high school students can go on to school by recommendation. In 2018, it was reorganized from one faculty of engineering, and now it is a core engineering department by mechanical engineering department, electrical and electronic communication engineering department, applied chemistry department, advanced engineering department by robotics department, information media engineering department, architecture department (architecture course, living environment design). There are 1 courses, 3 faculties, 6 departments, and a faculty of architecture.

 At the same time, we will also reform the common education "first year education" to create an environment where "you can't do it without doing it" and to get into the habit of studying until students can understand it. Was introduced.This is an initiative that focuses on (1) establishing learning habits and self-study, (2) strengthening experience and experience, and (3) strengthening patience for learning at university.


"Quota system" to set small goals in succession

 First of all, the "quota system" is a system that starts with lectures according to the proficiency level of each student and gradually acquires basic skills.

 Previously, we prepared an engineering development course for those who graduated from the industrial department and an engineering intensive course for those who graduated from the general course, and conducted a program that makes use of the learning history of high school for one to one and a half years after enrollment.However, as students diversified regardless of whether they were in the industrial or general courses, the default course could not handle them, so a new curriculum was set up regardless of the graduation course.

 Specifically, after grasping the abilities of each student through the placement test and organizing classes according to proficiency level in "math", "physics", and "English", which are the basics of engineering, one year is divided into four terms. Take separate courses.Standard subjects that guarantee the quality of learning are required for each subject and must be passed by the 1th quarter.In addition, there is also a "Course binding" that requires the acquisition of the required lower-level subjects at each level.

 In the case of mathematics, students will take either Basic Mathematics I, Basic Mathematics II, or Mathematics in the first quarter according to the placement test immediately after admission.The compulsory subject is mathematics, and all must complete it by the end of the fourth quarter.

 In addition, students who do not meet the promotion requirements in each grade, including quota subjects for the first year, will repeat a year.By providing an environment where students can learn repeatedly until they understand it, but they cannot do it without doing it, they will increase their concentration in the lessons and aim for the self-actualization of each student.

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Nippon Institute of Technology

"New era of actual engineering" Education that changes, philosophy that does not change

Nippon Institute of Technology, which opened in 1967, is developing its own "practical engineering" learning, such as taking specialized experiments, practical training, and drafting subjects from the first year.Currently, the Faculty of Core Engineering, the Faculty of Advanced Engineering, and the Faculty of Architecture are organized into 3 faculties, 7 departments, and 2 courses, and inherit and develop traditional practical engineering education.Looking to further deepen practical engineering education […]

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