List of articles about universities in Miyagi prefecture

Ecological networks have high computational power, experiments by Kyoto University and others

 A group from Kyoto University, B.Creation Co., Ltd., Tohoku University, and the University of Tokyo is conducting a real […]

Infectious disease control that minimizes loss to life and economy is ``continue moderately from the beginning'' Tohoku University

 Associate Professor Tsuyoshi Hondo of the Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University and others say that in the case of infectious disease control, if appropriate measures are taken continuously and systematically from the beginning of the spread of infection, […]

Developed by Tohoku University, a database that centralizes and instantly evaluates the diverse achievements of researchers

 Tohoku University is a “next-generation researcher” who can automatically and efficiently collect information on researchers scattered inside and outside the university and visualize the necessary information when necessary.

Tohoku University, Hiroshima University, etc. S evaluation, national university management reform promotion project

 In response to the end of the target period of the National University Management Reform Promotion Project, which supports national universities that are implementing advanced initiatives in management reform, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology […]

Elucidation of the mechanism of photosynthesis in Antarctic algae using infrared rays;

 Astrobiology Center, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tohoku University, Akita Prefectural University, Tokyo University of Agriculture, National Institute for Basic Biology, Hyogo […]

The word order that is easy to understand and the word order that is easy to speak are not necessarily the same. Minority language research at Tohoku University

 A research group led by Professor Masatoshi Koizumi of the Graduate School of Tohoku University conducted research on the brain processing processes of ethnic minority languages.

Tohoku University Successfully Develops a Microcatheter That Seamlessly Integrates Various Functions

 A research team at the Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences, Tohoku University succeeded in developing a multifunctional catheter with a wire diameter of several hundred microns […]

AI developed by Tohoku University that automatically extracts skin lesions from smartphone images and determines complications

 At Tohoku University, a system for extracting lesions using images taken with smartphones has been developed.In addition, using this system […]
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