Akita Prefectural University Article List

Elucidation of the mechanism of photosynthesis in Antarctic algae using infrared rays;

 Astrobiology Center, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tohoku University, Akita Prefectural University, Tokyo University of Agriculture, National Institute for Basic Biology, Hyogo […]

AI performed well at the University of Tokyo pass level in the 2019 Center English Written Exam

 AI (artificial intelligence) jointly developed by NTT and the National Institute of Informatics is out of 2019 points in the English written test of the 200 University Entrance Examination Center Examination […]

4 universities in Akita prefecture, president talk session with an eye on the era of depopulation

 Akita University, Akita Prefectural University, International Liberal Arts University, and Akita University of Art, which have campuses in Akita Prefecture, will collaborate in 4 as a collaborative project […]

For the first time tracking the process of Sasa growing densely in the forest Yamagata University and Akita Prefectural University, etc.

 In the research group led by Professor Akifumi Makita of the Faculty of Bioresources, Akita Prefectural University and Associate Professor Hiroshi Tomimatsu of the Faculty of Science, Yamagata University, Chishimazasa is a forest […].

Akita Prefectural University et al. Succeeded in developing rice that can significantly reduce the absorption of cesium

 On July 7, a joint research group of Akita Prefectural University, University of Tsukuba and the Agricultural and Food Industry Research Organization was able to significantly reduce the absorption of cesium […].