Hirosaki University Article List

Yamagata University economic spillover effect 665 billion yen, private estimate

 When we calculated the impact of Yamagata University's activities on Yamagata Prefecture, we found that it amounted to 665 billion yen annually.Private think tank Fide […]

Held a symposium on the "Children's Mind Project" to solve children's mental problems

 “Every child's program […]” where the educational field and researchers work together to solve children's mental problems such as school refusal, bullying, and sharp children.

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Hirosaki University Vines distinguish themselves from others

 Yuya Fukano, Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, and Assistant Professor Yamao, Hirosaki University, conducted an experiment using the vine plant, Cayratia japonicum.

Hirosaki University, etc. Survey on non-use of dialects in the autism spectrum

 A study by Professor Toshiharu Matsumoto of the Faculty of Education, Hirosaki University found that people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) tend not to speak dialects. […]