List of articles on the Olympics and Paralympics
Jissen Women's University invited Yuko Arimori to give a special lesson on June 6. Nowadays, a message of support from Corona
On June 2020, 6, a special class by Yuko Arimori, an Olympic women's marathon medalist, will be held at Jissen Women's University Shibuya Campus […]
How will the postponement of the new Corona and Oripara affect the recruitment of new graduates?Disco urgent investigation
Disco Corporation announced on April 2020, 4, a survey [confirmed version] of the impact of the spread of the new coronavirus infection on recruitment activities. 6 […]
Kanda University of International Studies changes the first semester calendar Volunteer during the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics
With Kanda University of International Studies' student volunteer activities during the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, the first semester of 2020 […]
Keio University Hospital holds medical staff briefing session dispatched to the Tokyo Olympics
Keio University Hospital prepares for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, and is a doctor dispatched jointly with the Tokyo Organizing Committee for the Olympics and Paralympics […]
Aoyama Gakuin University holds a study group on "e-sports" that transcends gender, age, and disabilities
On September 2019, 9, the research unit "Olympic e-sports" of Aoyama Gakuin University Research Institute "captures e-sports from a universal perspective and is possible [...]
Waseda University and the University of Tokyo develop real-time inundation prediction system for the entire 23 wards of Tokyo
The research group of Professor Masato Sekine of Waseda University Faculty of Science and Engineering and Professor Masaru Kitsuregawa of the University of Tokyo Earth Observation Data Integration and Collaboration Research Organization is Tokyo 2 […]
Deterioration and warning due to introduction of medical system for foreigners living in Japan and medical system for wealthy people
Professor Masamine Kamima, Professor Hideki Hashimoto of the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine, Takashi Sawada, Director of the Minatomachi Clinic in Yokohama City, and other Japanese doctor groups are from the UK country […]
Jissen Women's University holds a forum to think from the perspective of female college students for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Para Olympics
Tokyo 2018 Olympics and Paralympics from the perspective of female college students at the Shibuya Campus Student Hall on Saturday, December 12, 15 […]