Online course article list

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is relaunching its free online data science course, "Statistical Open Data that Anyone Can Use," in January 2025. Applications are now being accepted. 

 Starting on Tuesday, January 2025, 1, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications will be offering an online data science course called "Statistical Open Data that Anyone Can Use." [...]

Statistics Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications to offer free online "Data Science Exercises for Working Adults" from Tuesday, September 9th

 As part of its efforts to improve statistical literacy, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is offering an online data science course to develop human resources with strong data science skills.

Statistics Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications to offer online course "Introduction to Data Science for Working Adults" Free of charge Registration open until Monday, July 7th

 On June 2024, 6, the Statistics Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications will launch an online course called "Social Studies" for working adults and university students to learn basic knowledge of statistical data analysis.

Now recruiting participants for the data science online course “Statistical Open Data that Anyone Can Use” by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications

 As an initiative to improve statistical literacy, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has launched a data science online course “Statistical Open Data that Anyone Can Use” for 202 […]

Summer Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Open Academy to be held online, including courses for elementary school students

 This summer, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies will hold the TUFS Open Academy, an open course for short-term intensive study of languages, cultures, and societies of the world. 2023 […]

Edogawa University Children's Communication Research Institute Held an online course on the theme of "Children's development in the community"

 On Saturday, October 2022, 10, at the Edogawa University Children's Communication Research Institute, "Children's upbringing in the community: Children's rights […]

Keio University FinTEK Center Starts Recruiting Free Data Science Courses

 Keio University FinTEK Center has decided to hold a free online course “Data Science Course 2022” this fall and is recruiting students […]

Miyazaki University's online course "World Baseball Circumstances", 20 times in total, scheduled to start in 2022

 The online course "World Baseball Circumstances" that Miyazaki University has been offering for about a year since April 2021 has ended.Baseball […] around the world

Rikkyo University holds online career programs for current students, high school students, and corporate personnel personnel

 Rikkyo University is a career center for current students, high school students, and corporate personnel personnel for three days on November 2021, 11, and 22, 25 […]
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