Neural circuit article list

Birds hand down songs by dopamine, Tohoku University and others discover brain mechanism

 A collaborative research group led by Assistant Professor Masashi Tanaka of Tohoku University has found the nerves needed to imitate songs inside the brain of the zebra finch, a type of bird that sings songs […].

Nagoya University elucidates the unexpected mechanism by which the god of death promotes "regeneration," which is the exact opposite of "death."

 Professor Naoki Hisamoto's research group at the Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University is a "god of death" who plays a role in killing cells through research using nematodes as a model. […]

Niigata University discovers a "nerve map" of movement that connects the brain and spinal cord, and is an important clue for recovery of motor function

 The research group of Professor Masaki Ueno of Niigata University and Associate Professor Tomi Yoshida of Cincinnati Children's Hospital is often found in the "corticospinal tract" that connects the brain and spinal cord […].

Brazilian mathematicians prove 31-year-old mathematical model by a professor at Chubu University

 The mathematical model proposed by Professor Ichiro Tsuda of Chubu University in 1987 was proved by overseas mathematicians.This model is associated with humans in the brain […]

Does the insect brain evolve from a common ancestor with mammals? The University of Tokyo

 The research team of Associate Professor Kei Ito, Researcher Asako Tsubouchi, and Graduate Student Tomoko Yano of the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Tokyo, has introduced Drosophila melanogaster […].

The University of Tokyo elucidates the cranial nerve circuit that converts pain sensation into escape behavior

 On August 8, the research group of Professor Kazuo Enomoto of the Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo announced the latest optogenetics and neural activity visualization technology […].
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