
 The number of examinees was 8,854 (up 756 from the previous year), the maximum age was 84 years old, and the number of people who passed the high school graduation examination (the number of people who passed all subjects and obtained university entrance qualifications) was 3,894 (157 from the previous year). The maximum age was 74 years old.

 高卒認定試験合格者の最終学歴別状況は、高校中退が最も多く59.3%、全日制高校在学13.4%、中学校卒業9.9%と続いた。 受験者の年齢別内訳をみると、受験者で最も多かった年代は16歳~18歳で42.1%、続いて、19歳~20歳(20.6%)、21歳~25歳(12.1%)だった。

 In 2005, in response to the report of the Central Education Commission, "Review of the University Entrance Examination," the "High School Graduation Certification Examination" system was established, and those who are 16 years of age or older are granted the examination qualification. , The qualifications for taking the exam have been expanded to include those enrolled in high school.In addition, the number of subjects required for passing was revised to 8 or 9.

 The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology sent a certificate of acceptance to those who passed the high school graduate certification exam and a notice of passing the subject to those who passed some subjects.The second test date will be held on Saturday, November 2th and Sunday, November 11th, and the results will be shipped on Tuesday, December 6th.

Reference: [Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology] Reiwa 3rd year 1st high school graduation certification test results

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