楽天グループ株式会社は、2021年10月1日、2023年卒業予定の学生を対象に調査した「楽天みん就 2023年卒インターンシップ人気企業ランキング」を発表した。この調査は、運営する口コミ就職情報サイト「楽天みん就」において2021年4月8日~8月5日に行い、686人から回答が得られた。

 As a result of the survey, Nitori won first place for the third consecutive year. From 3nd to 1th place, Ajinomoto, Itochu, Rakuten, Kao, Accenture, and other companies that have been increasing their rankings since last year were ranked in.By industry, Ajinomoto (2nd), Asahi Soft Drinks (6th), Suntory Group (20th), Ezaki Glico (2th) and other food manufacturers are the most popular among the top 7 companies. You can see.

 Next, in a survey on the timing of participation in internships, the percentage in July increased by 7 points from last year, indicating that the timing of participation in internships is progressing earlier overall.In addition, "Understanding the atmosphere of the company" (12.7%) accounted for the highest percentage of points that we would like to emphasize in the internship program.In addition, the percentages of "I can experience work" (35.7%) and "I am directly connected to hiring" (25.9%) have increased compared to last year, and there is a growing tendency to be aware of employment from the internship stage. I understand.

reference:[Rakuten Minji] Graduated in 2023 Ranking of popular internship companies

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