Mynavi Corporation conducted a "2021 graduate Mynavi University Student Awareness Survey before Internship" for students who graduated in 2021 among Mynavi 2021 members.The number of valid responses is 6,336.

 According to the survey, 2021% of the students scheduled to graduate in 2019 have already participated in the internship as of the end of June 6 (up 23.8 points from 2018).As many as 5.0% of the students have progressed to the process after applying for the internship (application, selection, planned participation, already participated).

 インターンシップ応募のきっかけは、1位「就職情報サイトやアプリなどから案内があって(58.0%)」、2位「学校のガイダンスなどで案内があって(47.5%)」、3位「イ ンターンシップイベントに参加して(35.2%)」。インターンシップイベントに参加したことがある割合は全体で64.9%(2018年比11.3pt増)と6月初旬からインターンシップ参加に向けて行動的だったことがわかった。

 The criteria for selecting an internship was "held in an easy-to-participate place (59.0%)", followed by "short-term participation period (51.3%)".As for the content of the internship program that they would like to participate in, "the content of the feedback is beneficial to themselves (63.2%)" was the highest, "you can observe the workplace where the employee actually works (55.8%)", " We receive regular feedback from individuals (55.5%). "As for the types of internships that they would like to participate in, the percentages of "workplace tour type (61.9%)" and "accompanying experience type (66.4%)" were high.From these facts, it can be said that what students expect from a company is "to face students firmly and provide appropriate feedback" and "to provide a place where they can experience more realistic work".

Reference: [Mynavi Corporation] Announced "2021 Graduation Mynavi University Student Awareness Survey Before Internship"

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