When the Japan Business Federation and the Tokyo Business Federation examined the starting salary of new employees who graduated in March 2021, it was found that the increase was lower than the previous year in all educational backgrounds.Only 3% of companies raised their starting salary, down 29.9 points from the previous year.
The survey was conducted from June to August, targeting a total of 6 companies, including Keidanren corporate members and Tokyo Business Federation member companies, of which 8 companies responded and tabulated.
According to the report, 29.9% of companies raised their starting salary, a significant decrease from 42.6% in the previous year, and it has decreased for the third consecutive year.Since 3, when the effects of the Lehman shock have disappeared and the economy has entered a gradual recovery trend, more than 2014% of companies have raised their starting salaries, but the effects of the recession are reflected in the figures.
The highest amount of increase by educational background was 1,117 yen for university graduates, followed by 1,106 yen for high school graduates and 1,074 yen for junior college graduates.However, the rate of increase is low, remaining in the range of 0.34 to 0.64%.
As for the reason for the decision on the starting salary, the number of people who mentioned the results of securing human resources and wage negotiations decreased for two consecutive years, while the number of people who said that they considered corporate performance doubled.It can be seen that companies are willing to curb their starting salary due to the recession.