Article list of new employees

Starting salary for new graduates in 2021, the amount of increase will decrease from the previous year for all educational backgrounds

 When the Japan Business Federation and the Tokyo Business Federation examined the starting salary of new employees who graduated in March 2021, the amount of increase was the same as the previous year for all educational backgrounds […]

Savings and target savings for the second year of working adults, significantly increased from the previous year Sony Life Survey

 Sony Life Insurance Co., Ltd. has 2021 first-year working adults who will start working in the spring of 1 and 500 second-year working adults who have been working for one year […]

Five new graduates join the company with a desire to change jobs, according to a survey by the Job Information Association

 A follow-up survey by the National Recruiting Information Association revealed that one in five people who graduated from university or graduate school in 2020 had a desire to change jobs. […]

The entrance ceremony in April 2021 will be held by about 4% of companies in "real / venue type only"

 DISCO Inc. is targeting leading companies nationwide, such as those listed in "Calitas Job Hunting", for the entrance ceremony and new employee training for new employees in April 2021 […]

"I want to use telework" "Up to 20 hours overtime" The University of Industrial Science surveys new members of society

 The Sanno University Research Institute conducted a questionnaire for new employees who became members of society in 2020, and used the telework system and staggered commuting […]