About 6% of students want a work style that minimizes overtime and work on holidays, and only 30% of men and 18% of women want to work in managerial positions in the future. It became clear in a survey by President Tatsuo Seki.

 The survey was conducted via the Internet for university students, junior college students, and vocational school students nationwide, and valid responses were obtained from 2,000 of them.
According to the report, 14.0% of respondents answered "I want to" about working styles that are willing to work overtime or work on holidays, aiming for early independence and high income, while working styles that do not work overtime or work on holidays. 58.4% answered that they "want to".

 Regarding promotion to managerial positions, 22.6% answered "I want to do it" and 20.7% answered "I don't think at all".32.6% wanted a work style that did not come to work, such as telework, and 30.2% wanted to do a side job while being a full-time employee, and many students thought about flexible work.

 74.7% of new graduates want to work for a company or organization that will continue to work for the rest of their lives, and the majority still support it.The important points for choosing a place of employment are stability in 1st place, work location in 2nd place, and industry in 3rd place.It turned out that the future potential of the company was 6th and the students did not attach much importance to it.

 If you compare the ideal interviewer that students imagine to an entertainer, Arashi's Sho Sakurai is the top male and Yuki Amami, the actress, is the top female.As for athletes, Ichiro Suzuki, a baseball player for men, and Saori Yoshida, a wrestler for women, were by far the best.

reference:[Technopro Construction Co., Ltd.] "Survey on Job Hunting 2,000" asked by 2017 students

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