A research group led by Ria Kaneshiro, a graduate student at Tohoku University, revealed that by making a small hole in the alveolar bone of a model mouse, induced tissue metabolism is promoted and tooth movement is accelerated.It is expected to help shorten the period of orthodontic treatment.

 In orthodontic treatment, shortening the treatment period is an important issue.In recent years, the materials for orthodontic treatment have been improved, leading to a shortening of the treatment period.However, although it is thought that the treatment period can be further shortened by controlling the living body, the details have not been clarified.In addition, TNFα, which is one of the substances called cytokines that induce inflammation, is thought to induce osteoclasts during orthodontic tooth migration and promote tooth migration.

 The research group used this phenomenon to treat the mesial and palatal alveolar bones of the maxillary left first molar in mice.A spring (NiTi closed coil spring) was attached to the maxillary left first molar and the incisor, and mesial movement of the maxillary left first molar was performed for 12 days to evaluate the amount of movement and analyze it.

 As a result, it was found that the movement of teeth is promoted by making a minute hole.It was found that its action increased the inflammatory cytokine TNF-α, the increased TNF-α caused an increase in osteoclasts, and increased bone resorption promoted tooth migration.Furthermore, it was found that TNF-α increases the expression of a cytokine called RANKL, which is an osteoclast-inducing factor from stromal cells, and increases osteoclast formation to promote tooth migration.

 The treatment method used this time is called "Micro-Osteoperforations", and it is expected to accelerate the movement of teeth and help shorten the period of orthodontic treatment.

Paper information:[International Journal of Molecular Sciences] Micro-Osteoperforations Induce TNF-α Expression and Accelerate Orthodontic Tooth Movement via TNF-α-Responsive Stromal Cells

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