The SDGs Student Committee of Tokyo Keizai University, which was established in early 2022, compiled the results of a student awareness survey on SDGs in April 2022.

 Tokyo Keizai University made the SDGs Declaration a year ago in April 1, and is actively engaged in educational activities within the university and holding SDGs symposiums multiple times.

 The newly established SDGs Student Committee conducted a questionnaire on SDGs, and a total of 1,706 undergraduate and graduate students responded. In response to the question "Do you know what the SDGs are?", 1,661 people answered "I know." It was found that 97% were aware of the SDGs.

 When asked "Are you satisfied with the current university's efforts regarding the SDGs?", 864 respondents answered that they were "satisfied," which was only half.Nearly 80% of the respondents said that they would like them to work on it in the future, "I want them to have more opportunities to learn about the SDGs" and "I want them to be more active in ecological activities."

 Regarding questions about their own actions and efforts, 87% of the students answered "I want to actively participate in SDGs activities" and "I am interested in activities", and it turned out that there are many students who are interested in SDGs activities. did.It seems that the high awareness of SDGs among students was largely due to the SDGs declaration made by the university.

 Tokyo Keizai University will continue to support the activities of the SDGs Student Committee, which promotes SDGs with students playing a central role as a university.

Reference: [Tokyo Keizai University] Approximately 97% of students answered that they know SDGs Conducted a student awareness survey on SDGs 

Tokyo University of Economics

"Practical science to think through." Think through, practice, and cultivate the ability to open up the future.

Tokyo Keizai University is the predecessor of Okura Commercial School, which was founded in 1900 by Kihachiro Okura, a businessman who was active in the Meiji and Taisho eras.As a university that practices "academic-backed practical education" with the spirit of "advancement" and "responsibility and credibility" to move forward even in difficult times, it is highly ethical. […]

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