The National Personnel Authority conducts a questionnaire on new employees who have passed the national civil servant recruitment general employment examination, etc., regarding their motivations for aspiration and future promotion. A survey was conducted on 2018 participants in the 4nd National Civil Service Joint Beginning Training held from April 4th to 6th, 52 (response rate 749%).The points of the survey results are as follows.

 First of all, when asked "What are the main reasons for trying to become a national civil servant?", The top three are "I can work for the public," "I am rewarded for my work," and "I can do large-scale work." In particular, "I can work for the public" was about 3% as in last year.

 Next, when asked "How long do you want to work as a national civil servant?", About 5% answered "I want to continue working as a public servant until retirement age" (down 1% from the previous year).On the other hand, "I want to think about changing jobs after working for a long time" 21.2%, "I want to think about changing jobs while young" 2.0%, and "I want to think about changing jobs whenever conditions are met" 9.0%. As a result, 3% of them are thinking about changing jobs in the future.

 Regarding the positions that we want to aim for, 20.4% are "administrative vice-minister level", 20.8% are "bureau chief level of the ministry", and 25.1% are "section chief level of the ministry". About 6% of the respondents want to be promoted to the deputy director level or higher.

 In addition, 54.6% of the respondents answered "What type of boss do you want to work with?" "Actively communicate with subordinates."38.5% of the respondents answered "communication skills" to the related question "What qualities and abilities do you want to prioritize in your work?" It turns out that he wants to work under accurate instructions while improving and communicating with his boss.In addition, the result of "Grow strictly" was as low as 9.7%.

 The National Personnel Authority conducts the same survey every year from the viewpoint of grasping the motivation for aspiration and reflecting it in future measures to secure human resources.

Reference: [National Personnel Authority] About the result of the questionnaire survey for newly hired staff from the general employment examination etc.

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