Starting in fiscal 2022, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government will support efforts aimed at solving regional issues by making the city smarter, in collaboration with municipalities, universities, local companies, etc., with the aim of realizing "Smart Tokyo." are doing.This time, we will start accepting public applications for support projects in 2023.

 We are soliciting proposals for projects that contribute to the resolution of regional issues through making the city smarter by making use of regional characteristics and resources in cooperation with municipalities, universities, and private companies that are close to the region.The Tokyo Metropolitan Government will provide support such as advice that contributes to project progress management and achievement creation.Based on the results obtained through these efforts, issues such as social implementation and the provision of know-how to other regions will be sorted out, and regional smartization examples will be organized and horizontally deployed.

 As an example of the project for fiscal 2022, the “Urban Design Center Sumida (UDC Sumida)” (operating body: Sumida Ward, Chiba University, Information Management Innovation College, Sumida Urban Development Public Corporation) will innovate resident participation and sharing. There is a "Shitamachi Ninjo Wellness Smart City" project byBy inviting Chiba University Sumida Satellite Campus and iU Information Management Innovation Professional University, a platform has been created to tackle the problems of local residents with "public, private and academic".

 Open calls are open to business entities (universities, companies, etc. including municipalities) that aim to solve regional issues in certain areas of Tokyo.Expenses eligible for subsidies are expenses that are necessary to solve regional issues by making the town smarter.The subsidy limit is 2,000 million yen, and the subsidy ratio is 1/2.The implementation period is from the end of July 2023 to the end of March 7.The support period is from the date of subsidy grant decision to the end of 2026 (planned).Details of the public offering, application procedures, and other details are posted on the special site.

Reference: [Tokyo Metropolitan Government "Locally-Based Smart Tokyo Advanced Case Creation Project" Special Site] [Tokyo Metropolitan Government Subsidized Project] Public Recruitment Begins for Community-Based Smart Tokyo Advanced Case Creation Project

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