Starting in 2024, Nippon Institute of Technology will establish a new scholarship system for school-recommended selection (designated schools).With the aim of enhancing pre-enrollment education for those who have passed the designated school entrance exam, we will provide scholarships to those who scored well in the basic subject placement test after entering the school.

 At many universities, the forms of entrance examinations are becoming more diversified, and the number of students entering through recommendation entrance examinations and comprehensive selection is increasing.Along with this, the importance of pre-enrollment education has increased to give students the basic academic skills and motivation to learn that are necessary after entering school.At Nippon Institute of Technology, text assignments in mathematics, physics, and English, as well as schooling classes, etc.However, there are individual differences in the status of efforts, especially for those who have passed the school recommendation type selection (designated school), which has a period of about 4 months from the announcement of the results to admission, maintaining motivation to learn and improving basic academic skills are issues. Ta.

 Therefore, we have established a new system to provide scholarships to students with high scores in class placement tests for basic subjects in mathematics, physics, and English, which will be conducted after enrollment, among those enrolled in the 2024 school-recommended selection (designated schools). As a "designated school scholarship", 98 yen equivalent to the annual tuition fee of the entrance year will be paid to the top 7 students, and 49 yen, which is half the amount, will be paid to 14 students.In addition, 20 yen will be provided as an “entrance examination scholarship” to those with high scores in other tests.The benefits are only for the year of admission, and will be exempted from the tuition fee as soon as the scholarship is decided.

 By utilizing this "designated school scholarship", even after passing the entrance examination, students can actively engage in pre-enrollment education with the aim of obtaining a scholarship, and cultivate the academic ability to smoothly connect to university studies after enrollment. Universities are hopeful.

reference:[Nippon Institute of Technology Examination Site] [Entrance Examination for 2024] Establishment of Scholarship System for School Recommendation Selection (Designated Schools)

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