Haruki Murakami, a writer, held a press conference at his alma mater, Waseda University, and revealed his intention to donate his own manuscripts, collections, and works translated from around the world.Waseda University will utilize these materials and consider establishing an international research center "Murakami Library (tentative name)".

 According to Waseda University, there are about 2 record collections in addition to manuscripts that revealed the idea of ​​donation, and valuable materials such as a draft of the masterpiece "Norwegian Wood" written in the university notebook. It may be included.

 Waseda University will start accepting materials from 2019, while it intends to gradually improve the facilities.At the meeting, Murakami signed two volumes, the English translation of the latest feature film "Killing Commendatore" and the debut work "Hear the Wind Sing", and handed them to the next president of Waseda University, Aiji Tanaka.

 Murakami entered Waseda University Faculty of Letters in 1968 and graduated in 1975. In 1979, he won the Gunzo Prize for New Writers for "Listen to the Song of the Wind". He has produced many best-selling works such as "Norwegian Wood" and "1Q84", and has been translated into more than 50 languages ​​and has received high praise overseas.

 Mr. Murakami said, "I am very grateful that my alma mater has created a place for archiving and researching my work. I hope it will be a place for literary lovers from all over the world to interact internationally."

reference:[Waseda University] A research base where literary and translation researchers from all over the world gather in Waseda Haruki Murakami's collection of materials and a press release on the concept of an international research center on literature

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