Professor Masato Kurata of the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Tsukuba University of Technology, received the best paper award at the 14th International Conference on Sensor Device Technology and Applications held in Portugal.The winning paper was ``Development of an autonomous time-synchronized sensing system that can measure acceleration and images,'' and was selected from papers presented at the same international conference.

 According to Tsukuba University of Technology, the autonomous time-synchronized sensing system they developed uses a chip-scale atomic clock, which is an ultra-high-precision clock, to provide high-precision absolute sensing using just the sensor, without the need for GPS signals, networks, or dedicated wiring. Time information can be maintained.

 The same vibration is applied to three sensors using a vibration testing device, and the on-board digital acceleration sensor and external input analog acceleration sensor measure data stamps at 3 samples per second, and image data obtained at 1 samples per second. When we compared the timestamps, we confirmed that the time synchronization was within 1,000/1th of a second.By replacing the camera according to the purpose, more accurate time synchronization is possible.

 By collating and analyzing a huge amount of sensor data with absolute time information, we can learn how buildings collapsed during a major earthquake, what kind of damage was done to rooms, and how security camera footage was analyzed. By guaranteeing the time, it will be possible to find out how the culprit got into the room.

 Professor Kurata will continue to strive to improve the functionality and lower the cost of the sensors and platforms he has developed in order to put them into practical use.

reference:[Tsukuba University of Technology] Professor Shigeto Kurata receives the Best Paper Award at an international conference

Tsukuba University of Technology

Foster pioneering human resources who can contribute to society by developing the abilities of the hearing and visually impaired.

Tsukuba University of Technology wants to participate in and contribute to society as a leader even if it has hearing or visual disabilities, so it has always applied the latest science and technology since its opening to develop educational methods that match the characteristics of disabilities. However, we are aiming to improve the education of persons with disabilities in general.In addition, we will strive to enhance student support, disability compensation system and education […]

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