In response to the decision by the educational corporation, the Graduate University of Business Creation will move forward with preparations to apply for the establishment of a new correspondence-based information department, ``Faculty of Information Design (tentative name)'' in April 2025.Regarding the establishment of a university department, the condition is that an application for establishment be submitted to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in March 4, and approval and approval obtained in August of the same year.If the establishment is approved, the name of the university will also be changed.

 In April 2025, if the establishment of a new correspondence-based information school, the Faculty of Information Design (tentative name), is approved, the current name of the Graduate University will no longer be used.After careful consideration of the name, the new university name will be Kaishi Sozo University (tentative name) and plans will move forward.

 The "Faculty of Information Design (tentative name)" has an entrance fee of 3 yen and an annual tuition fee of 25 yen.The enrollment capacity is planned to be 1000 students.Similarly, the first-year enrollment capacity for the correspondence course that will be newly established in 2025 (approving for approval/under planning) will be 1 students, excluding the Faculty of Information Science and Technology of Okayama University of Science, which has not been announced, and the Faculty of Business Administration, Tokyo Management University, and Barrier-Free Liberal Arts University. There are 350 students from the Faculty of Liberal Arts, 200 students from the ZEN University Faculty of Intelligent Information Society, and 5,000 students from the Kindai University Faculty of Architecture, making this faculty the second largest in size after ZEN University's Faculty of Intelligent Information Society.

 According to Kaishi Sozo University (tentative name), their future plans include establishing multiple faculties and turning the university into a comprehensive university.Entrepreneurship, which is the founding spirit of the current Graduate University for Business Creation, will continue to be carried forward through education and research activities at the graduate school.

Reference: [Kaishi Sozo University (tentative name)] Regarding the plan to establish a new faculty and the accompanying change in the university name (report)

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