Of the 66 universities that were allowed to temporarily increase the number of staff in the regional framework of the medical school, which requires employees to engage in community medicine for a certain period of time after graduating from university to solve the shortage of doctors, half of the 33 universities have a regional quota in 2018. Was not met, according to a national survey by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.It seems that most of the vacancies were diverted to the admission limit for general students.

 From September to October, the two ministries interviewed medical students in the regional framework who lend scholarships to prefectures nationwide and their work status after graduation.
According to the report, the regional quota is a system in which local governments suffering from a shortage of doctors issue scholarships and instead of exempting them from repayment, they are engaged in medical care in the designated area for several years after graduation. There are a total of 2018 people.

 However, 18 people, or 187% of the total, did not receive scholarships lent by the local government.MHLW does not consider students who have not received a scholarship to be regional students.Of these, 22 universities, including Tohoku University, have a capacity of more than 2%.The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare believes that it was improperly operating to fill the capacity of the regional quota with the general quota.

 Tohoku University, Shinshu University, Chiba University have 16 students each, Kinki University has 15 students, Tsukuba University has 13 students, Yamagata University and Nagasaki University have 12 students each, Kitasato University has 9 students, and Teikyo University has 7 students. 6 people, Kawasaki Medical University, etc.The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare will request each university to correct its operation from the 2020 entrance examination.

reference:[Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare] Study Group on Supply and Demand of Medical Workers Doctor Demand and Supply Subcommittee (XNUMXth)> Document XNUMX Status of Regional Frames, etc.

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