On October 2019, 10, TESOL International Japan Co., Ltd. will hold a "Student Recruitment Information Session for American Universities in Thailand (Tricontinent Degree Program)" for high school students in Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo.

 The American University (Tricontinent Degree Program) in Thailand has degrees and qualifications from three countries: Lamar University (Texas, USA), Siam Technology University (Bangkok, Thailand), and NVQ National Certification Level 5 * in the United Kingdom. All can be obtained in one study abroad.In Bangkok, Thailand, the center of rapidly growing ASEAN, take classes and study in English with students from all over the world.

 It is not uncommon for university study abroad in the United States to exceed 3,000 million yen, and it is said that it costs three to five times as much as going to a university in Japan. "American universities in Thailand" are cheap and you do not need to submit an English proficiency score, so you can go on to the same conditions as going on to a Japanese university.

 At the briefing session, as the official Japanese application window for an American university (Tricontinent Degree Program) in Thailand, we will explain the program contents and the actual voices of international students such as requirements, environment, procedures, and costs.Participation fee is free, but application is required in advance.

* NVQ is an abbreviation for National Vocational Qualification.It is a national certification system for vocational skill levels in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and is under the jurisdiction of the Government Qualification and Curriculum Development Organization (QCA) under the Ministry of Education.In the UK, about 14% (about 428 million people) of the working population are accredited, and level 5 is the Associate Bachelor-College of Technology (Diploma) level, when employment is based on the university's major field. Since it can be listed in the resume as a certification, it will be possible to find a job in the UK.

reference:[TESOL International Japan Co., Ltd.] American university in Thailand

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