Mynavi Corporation announced the results of the "Mynavi 2021 Graduate College Student Activity Survey" conducted on university students and graduate students nationwide scheduled to graduate in March 3 on June 2021, 2020 and June 6, 5. ..

 The survey was conducted for university and graduate students scheduled to graduate in 2021 as of the end of May and as of the 5st of the 6th, and responses were obtained from 1 and 9,531, respectively.

 As a result of the survey, the unofficial fixed rate of university and graduate students scheduled to graduate in 2021 as of the end of May was 5% (down 48.0pt from the previous year), and the average number of unofficial fixed holders was 13.8 companies (down 1.7pt from the previous year) at the end of April. It continued to fall below the previous year's level.This is the first time that the unofficial fixed rate has fallen below 0.2% since the job hunting activities of 4 graduates, which was scheduled to lift the ban on selection on June 5.It is presumed that the spread of the new coronavirus infection has stagnated the hiring of companies, causing a delay.

 In addition, when we investigated the unofficial fixed rate as of June 6 for the first time this time, it was 1%, which was just over 51.4%.Following the cancellation of the state of emergency, corporate recruitment activities are expected to gradually resume in the future.

 In the spring of 2022, job hunting activities were limited to face-to-face opportunities to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection.When I asked him, "I'm worried about deciding which company to join because I didn't have many opportunities to meet each other," the students who participated in the internship at a company with a high intention to join the company said, "I'm worried." The percentage of respondents who answered "No" was 12.4pt higher.
On the other hand, regardless of whether or not they participated in the internship, there was a high tendency to be worried about "friends (synchronous and employees)" after joining the company.It can be said that companies are required to devise ways to dispel the anxieties that students have about the "corporate culture" and "personality of employees" that are difficult to convey online.

Reference: [Mynavi Corporation]
Announced "Mynavi 2021 Graduate University Student Activity Survey (May)"
Announced "Mynavi 2021 Graduate University Student Activity Survey (June 6st)"

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